23 October 2019

How to use SwiftUI View as a UIViewController

There is no direct way of using SwiftUI View as a UIViewController, nor is there a direct way to use UIViewController as a SwiftUI View. To make former possible, Apple provides us UIHostingController which acts as container UIViewController for the SwiftUI View.


Here we have a SwiftUI View we want to use as UIViewController: HungryView. It looks like this:

struct HungryView : View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Need food")

In order to expose HungryView to UIKit, we wrap it in a UIHostingController like this:

import SwiftUI

final class HungryHostingController : UIHostingController<HungryView> { }

Subclassing UIHostingController with Content type of HungryView is enough to wrap HungryView into a UIViewController.

Now we can create a HungryHostingController object with an instance of HungryView and use it as any normal UIViewController. In this example we push it on a navigation stack like this:

let hungryView = HungryView()
let hungryHostingController = HungryHostingController(rootView: hungryView)

navigationController.pushViewController(hungryHostingController, animated: true)

And that's all it takes to use your shiny new SwiftUI View like an old fashioned UIViewController.

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